Commit dc9b9fb0 authored by zhangch's avatar zhangch


parent 9e53be45
......@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ public class DisableController {
* 失能人员信息变更-审核列表
public Result<Page<DisableInfoChangeVo>> getListDisInfoChangeExamine(@RequestParam(defaultValue = "1") Integer pageNum, @RequestParam(defaultValue = "10") Integer pageSize,
Long organId, Boolean isChildGroup, String districtProvincial, String districtCity, String districtArea,
String realName, String certiCode, String aplOrganName, Short applyStatus) {
......@@ -25,30 +25,30 @@
left join CH_SRV_ORGAN srvOrgan on change.APL_ORGAN_ID=srvOrgan.SRV_ORGAN_ID
left join CH_DISABLE_INFO disinfo on change.DISAB_INFO_ID=disinfo.DISAB_INFO_ID
left join CH_FND_SRV_MODE srvMode on disinfo.SRV_MODE_ID=srvMode.SRV_MODE_ID
and task.APR_TYPE = 0
<if test="organId != null">
and change.organId=#{organId}
<if test="organIds != null">
and organ.organ_id in
<foreach collection="organIds" item="organId" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
<if test="provincial != null and provincial != ''">
and change.DISTRICT_PROVINCE = #{districtProvince}
<if test="districtProvincial != null and districtProvincial != ''">
and change.DISTRICT_PROVINCE = #{districtProvincial}
<if test="city != null and city != ''">
<if test="districtCity != null and districtCity != ''">
and change.DISTRICT_CITY = #{districtCity}
<if test="area != null and area != ''">
<if test="districtArea != null and districtArea != ''">
and change.DISTRICT_AREA = #{districtArea}
<if test="realName != null and realName != ''">
and change.REAL_NAME like CONCAT(CONCAT('%',#{realName}) ,'%')
<if test="certiCode != null and certiCode != ''">
and change.CERTIF_NUM = #{certifNum}
and change.CERTIF_NUM = #{certiCode}
<if test="aplOrganId != null and aplOrganId != ''">
and change.APL_ORGAN_ID = #{aplOrganId}
<if test="aplOrganName != null and aplOrganName != ''">
and srvOrgan.SRV_ORGAN_NAME like CONCAT(CONCAT('%',#{aplOrganName}) ,'%')
<if test="applyStatus != null and applyStatus != ''">
and change.APPLY_STATUS = #{applyStatus}
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